There's an old joke about horses and money. Question: How can you make a small fortune in horses? Answer: Start with a large one.
We love our horses dearly but they are expensive, very expensive. And horses that have been neglected for long periods of time are even more expensive. When Horse Haven receives a horse after it was seized by local officials, it is seen by a veterinarian right away. Blood is drawn to determine if there are underlying medical issues that would explain the poor condition of the animal. A Coggins test and a fecal exam are performed. Vaccinations are given. Skin conditions, which are very common in neglected horses, are treated. First myth busted.....Horse Haven receives free veterinary services. We may receive discounts, especially in surgical cases for professional services, but there is still a significant bill.We are responsible for those bills.
As we rehabilitate this horse, it will require farrier work. Sometimes extensive farrier work. Myth number 2 busted......we pay for farrier services. Our farriers donate some of their time but we still have a bill.
Myth three and four....we also pay for hay and feed. Horses at Horse Haven have very specific nutritional requirements. We have to feed a consistent feed and good quality hay. Malnourished horses' systems are already compromised by the lack of nutrition they've experienced, it would be ill advised to feed poor quality hay or feed.
Most horses stay with us three months to a year. When we add up the expenses for each horse and compare that to the $200-$500 adoption fee we generally charge, we effectively bust myth number 5, the biggest of them all, that we actually make money on adoption fees. The cost for the initial vet check is around $200. Add to that repeated farrier work, deworming, feed, hay over many weeks or months and we're lucky if we break even. Mostly we've spent much more than we'll ever recoup in adoption fees.
We don't charge Tennessee counties for our services. And we do not receive any sort of government money, local, state or federal. Our mission would be impossible if it weren't for the donations of caring people like you. Your financial support makes it possible for us to help these horses. Help them to become healthy, happy horses again and find their forever homes.
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