Friday, November 15, 2013

We won!

As most of you that follow Horse Haven on Facebook already know,  Horse Haven won a van in Toyota's annual "100 cars for good" car give away!  It will be several weeks before we'll take delivery of the "Twinkie Mobile" which gives us time to reflect and be grateful.

We applied for this van months ago.  Once we were accepted into the contest, we had to follow the instructions provided to us from Toyota.  We had to create an online profile for our organization, tell our story and tell voters why we needed this vehicle.  And then we had to wait for our voting date.  We only had one day to vote.  All of our prep work came down to 13 hours of open online polls.  So we rallied the troops.  And they responded.  Boy, did they respond!  I saw people online, begging their friends to vote until late into that evening.  Our supporters were exchanging ideas amongst each other on how to best get people to vote for us.  It was a sight to behold and it sure paid off.  I shouldn't be surprised.  Our volunteers, supporters, members of the board and our staff always pull together for Horse Haven.  It's what makes Horse Haven great.  It's a team effort.  What we can't accomplish as individuals, we can make happen if we combine our efforts to help the horses.  And for that I am grateful.


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