Monday, December 16, 2013

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me....four trailer tires

Did you know that the Horse Haven trailer logs about 40,000 miles each year traveling all over Tennessee’s roadways assisting horses in need? And not all those roads are paved. As a matter of fact, we sometimes find ourselves in places difficult to access with a large truck and trailer. But our trailer is comfortable and inviting to the horses that travel in it. It is their comfort and safety that matters. Trailer tires are about as costly as car tires because they carry a heavy load over sometimes less than ideal terrain. They should be replaced annually at a cost of $100 each, or $400 to replace the whole set. Won’t you help us keep horses in transit safe with a gift of $25 or $50 towards new tires? It’ll help us get horses like Bud on their way to their new life and forever home. 

Donating is easy. You can go to our website at and click on the pay pal button, or you can mail a check to Horse Haven of TN, PO Box 22841, Knoxville TN 37933. Thank you and stay tuned for 8 more days of Christmas….Horse Haven style! 

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